By: Stewart Brennan
You and I are just singular points of view made up of
experience, and programming where we triangulate our perception through a nexus of
our past history. Each one of us has a different past with different
connections that comes from the culmination of many pasts comprised of many
experiences that should, ideally, give rise to many possible futures.
However, humanity has embraced a system of thought that came
into being by the greed of an individual, and therefore is on course to
experience that thoughts ultimate conclusion.
Only one societal future will materialize on the collective
path we have chosen. The consequences of our decision to steer away from a
symbiotic relationship with the planet to one of consumption and greed carries
resource depletion through our ever-growing insatiable thing needy population.
Today we see the effects of this parasitic system in
collapse through the increase of war, famine and collapse of social structures.
Somewhere down the road, business as usual will no longer be an option. There
will not be a middle ground because we will be faced with a choice to either
evolve or perish.
It is hoped that an awakened population will put an end to
this immoral system before it destroys us; while it’s also hoped that a clear
understanding of what is important to sustain life will manifest itself in
The future is predictable today, as we see the last gasp
attempts of greed to control resources at the expense of civilization. Those
who harness the system are not looking down the road to real solutions and are
clearly seen running head first into a brick wall.
All points of view will face this crisis, and those that say
they care for you will be faced with this very scenario.
Slowly, the general population will realize that the
decision for our survival rests in our own hands. All we have to do is organize
and start a reverse course into a period of transition back towards a symbiotic
relationship with the planet, while fostering an education on taking
responsibility for reducing population in a natural way.
However the current greedy trend is standing at the edge of
existence, in the realm of reality, and making decisions on your future.
Collapse – Michael Ruppert
Sustainability 101 - Dr Albert Bartlett
Global Perspectives and Psychedelic Poetics - Terence